Let’s repair your device

Send your product

To start your repair process, download the Repair Form below. Include it signed in the parcel addressed to the Repair department at LX navigation.

Express repair service

In order to get your repair done in a maximum of 3 days after receiving it, mark the Express repair tag on the Repair form and sit back. We will take care of it.

Usual repair time

As the repair service runs on the principle of "First in, first out", repairs usually take up to 3-4 weeks depending on the workload. Use express repair service to skip the line.

Packages from outside European Union - EU

Please always send documentation and tracking number to sales@lxnavigation.com when sending the package.

Before sending the package from outside the EU (European Union) please send us following documentation to 

1. Repair form Fill out
2. Proforma invoice Download
3. Tracking number

 With this procedure we will be able to avoid import problems, potential expenses for the sender or even returning the package back to you without entering the EU. For any information please call us 
+386 (0)3 490 46 70 or send us an email to sales@lxnavigation.com.

LX navigation will have to send the documentation to customs and inform them about the package. All packages that will not have documentation (1. & 2. & 3.) will be returned to the sender.

Ready to fill the form?

After you fill out the form a document will be sent to your email. Please print it, sign it and include in the package.

Repair process

Device shipped
The pilot sends us the device to the company address.
Device received
We receive the device and put it in the waiting line.
Device inspected
The pilot receives an informational email with cost estimation.
Device repaired
After confirming the expense we will proceed with repair.
The pilot will receive an invoice for service once the device is repaired.
Device sent back
After payment confirmation, we will ship the device back.