Safety is our number one priority.
What kind of signal can you detect? Like Flarm, ADS-B, Mode-S, Fanet, SSR, ADS-R, TIS-B?
Choose Your Navia Traffic.
Navia Traffic
(Flarm only)
Simple collision avoidance system.For usage in mostly Gliding areas.
Wireless configuration portal
Data output: NMEA, GDL 90, Garmin TIS
WiFi & Bluetooth
3 configurable data ports
PoweFlarm transciver
Second PoweFlarm transciver
ADS-B receiver
ADS-R receiver
Mode-S Receiver
ADS-L Ready
IGC Flight recorder with ENL
1090 Mhz ADSB receiver
978 Mhz ADSB receiver
Navia Traffic
(Dual Flarm & ADSB)
Most advanced Traffic system on the marketSee all the traffic. (Best for Europe)
Wireless configuration portal
Data output: NMEA, GDL 90, Garmin TIS
WiFi & Bluetooth
3 configurable data ports
PoweFlarm transciver
Second PoweFlarm transciver
ADS-B receiver
ADS-R receiver
Mode-S Receiver
ADS-L Ready
IGC Flight recorder with ENL
1090 Mhz ADSB receiver
978 Mhz ADSB receiver
Navia Traffic
(ADSB only)
A standalone 1090 and 978 ADS-B in.Ideal for markets with mandatory ADS-B out (USA).
Wireless configuration portal
Data output: NMEA, GDL 90, Garmin TIS
WiFi & Bluetooth
3 configurable data ports
PoweFlarm transciver
Second PoweFlarm transciver
ADS-B receiver
ADS-R receiver
Mode-S Receiver
ADS-L Ready
IGC Flight recorder with ENL
1090 Mhz ADSB receiver
978 Mhz ADSB receiver
Late 2025
See and Be Seen.
Dual PowerFLARM Transceivers
Extended range with two FLARM antennas (diversity). Ideal for metal or carbon fibber airplanes.
ADS-B & MODE-S Receiver
The only 3rd Party PowerFlarm device with ADSB receiver that can also detect Mode-S traffic and issue potential warnings.
WIFI & Bluetooth
Configure your device via build in Configuration portal. Send traffic to you navigation application on iOS or Android via WIFI/Bluetooth.
Connect with: Air Navigation Pro, SkyDemon, ForeFlight, EasyVFR, iPilot and XC Soar.
3 Data ports
Individually configure up to 3 data ports. Connect Navia Traffic to any device via NMEA, GDL90 or Garmin TIS protocol.
Connect to any compatible LX traffic display, Kanardia Nesis, Dynon SkyView, Garmin G3X and Aera.